Sunday, April 28, 2024

Mission Analysis: Understanding the Local Terrain & Environment



    If you've watched the recent videos on tactics, you've probably seen this acronym pop up a few times. What hell is it, and why is it so important? Let's dig in! Land navigation is simply getting to one point from another. Tactical navigation, something we practice every time we step out of friendly territory, for any reason, brings in a whole other level of considerations. Now you have to think about bad guys, ambushes and dying. Dying is not good. So what considerations should we have when planning our routes and rally points? Where do we set up our Objective Rally Point (ORP)? Do we use roads? Is it all just METTT-TC? What about Observations Posts (OP)? How do we build one, and what considerations do we have when setting in a defensive position? 



Avenues of Approach 

Key & Decisive Terrain 


Cover & Concealment 

    When planning for almost anything, this simple decision making aid can save you lots of headache and even death. Seriously, us Grunts use it for everything we do in the field. So, what does it all mean, and how can we use it? Let's take the OP and mission scenario: 


    You are a 9-man squad and must conduct a tactical movement to MB 1234 5678, establish an OP, observe vicinity MB 666 555 and report all activity to higher. We're going to follow the Troop Leading Procedures to get our guys moving, and start planning the mission. We need to know which routes to take and where to establish our OP. This is where OAKOC comes in. We'll make decisions based on our map reconnaissance. 

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The Observation Post

A Lesson on Observation Posts (OP)      During the GWOT we started slanting known definitions, mostly out of misunderstandings and no time t...