Friday, December 27, 2024

The Combat Fitness Study


 In collaboration with experts in the field of Strength & Conditioning, LEOs, Active Duty Military, and members of the Forestry Fire Department, The Combat Fitness Study successfully proved that, by improving one's strength, all other crucial components to operate in the field, under load, will also improve.

Read the full study results HERE

Major Highlights

  • Improving strength alone resulted in better run times
  • Strength training, along with a weekly Ruck program is an exceptional modality to improve one's "combat fitness" and overall capability to operate under load in the field
  • Testing strength for combat fitness is more important in demonstrating readiness than testing for cardiovascular endurance alone
  • Great runners struggled with the strength tests - very strong people struggled with the pull-ups and endurance portion - all participants approved across the board with the Combat Fitness Training Program, which included compound lifts for strength, and 1 weekly Ruck


The Observation Post

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